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- Selected as a mass challenge finalist.
Wave Company (CEO Jo Na-yeon), which developed sports taping compression wear, was selected as the 2021 finalist at Mass Challenge US, called the Startup Olympics, on the 28th of last month. Wave Company is the sixth company in Korea to be selected as a mass challenge finalist. It is Asia's first sportswear brand to become a mass challenge finalist. Companies that have become finalists will receive intensive mentoring in the U.S. for four months. At this time, you will be given a chance to choose a five-member mentor. This year's mentoring will be conducted non-face-to-face in the aftermath of the new coronavirus (COVID-19). CEO Cho mentoring not only sports tech but also space through non-face-to-face mentoring. I'm planning to get it. You can only get mentoring for one category, but since it's a non-face-to-face event, I can add more. Professors from famous universities such as Harvard are often in charge of mentors, so they can seize difficult business meetings in Korea. The total sales of 2,900 companies that have been mentoring so far are $3.6 billion (about 4.733 trillion won), It has created more than 186,000 jobs. Mass Challenge was applied by more than 3,000 teams around the world this year. In Austin, which runs the sports tech sector, 30 teams beat the competition rate of 100:1 as a finalist. It has risen. It is selected based on public influence, suitability, and feasibility. Wave Company was selected as a finalist in recognition of its high-tech technology. "It was an opportunity to check our technology and growth potential," said Jonahyeon, CEO of Wave Company. "My goal is to prepare well for the next four months and be selected as an excellent team," he said. Wave Company uses wave-patterned adhesive silicon BWAS™ (Bio Wave Adhesive Silicon) technology. It is developing and producing and selling wavewear. BWAS™ sticks well like pain relief patches and is maintained even when washed, so it can be used semi-permanently. Wavewear can have a sports taping effect just by wearing it. Currently, Wave Company has developed Elecsil™, a conductive silicon technology. It plans to enter the medical field. The electronic chamber can be attached to the inside of the garment to measure body information such as electrocardiogram and electromyogram. It is silicon that can emit electrons when connected to EMS devices. It can be connected to various wearable senses. It can be used in VR and metal industries in the future. Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) clothing will be released this year. In collaboration with AI companies, It is developing EMS clothing that can measure heart rate, muscles, and body temperature. In collaboration with Chung-Ang University's Department of New Material Engineering and Soongsil University's Department of Materials Engineering, the cold and warm senses in VR situations. It is also developing smart clothing that can be felt. Mass Challenge is the world's largest startup competition. Source: Korea Textile Newspaper (http://www.ktnews.com)
- South Korean startup Wave Company announces electro-haptic suit that combines EMS with VR for gaming
November 19, 2021 – Wave Company , a South Korean sports tech business, has recently announced that it is launching ‘ElecSuit’, an advanced electro-haptic suit that will combine electronic muscle stimulation (EMS) with virtual reality (VR) by using the company’s proprietary conductive silicone technology “ElecSil” for the first time. ElecSuit and its compatible programs are designed for use cases such as VR gaming, as well as workouts and exercising. According to Wave Company, the ElecSuit syncs electric waveform signals with experiences such as EMS cardio workouts, VR Yoga, and VR Haptics, and is also able to provide massage functionalities for before and after workouts, making it a “a 5-in-1 suit”. The company is also working on gaming content for VR haptics that utilizes electrotactile sensation within games. Wave Company states that it is currently showcasing three demo VR games along with its ElecSuit product and is planning to increase content in the future through partnership opportunities. After announcing ElecSuit this year, the company is also planning on developing a smartwear platform by 2025. Wave Company’s conductive silicone electrode, ElecSil, is interlocked with the suit’s fabric and only adds 0.15mm (less than the thickness of two pieces of paper) to the suit’s thickness. Furthermore, the company states that not only is ElecSil thin and flexible, but it is also washable and extremely durable, having gone through hundreds of stretch tests. Finally, Wave Company states that the ElecSuit is designed to be “as comfortable as sportswear.” According to the company, its ElecSil technology offers a number of advantages, including being safe on the skin, having good elasticity, strong durability, as well as economic efficiency. Overall, Wave Company believes that its technology has potential use cases in health management, entertainment, and sports. Wave Company’s Chief Strategy Officer, Yongjin Lee, commented: “We have been researching and developing conductive silicone electrodes for four years now, and this has progressed into making functional sportswear. With advances in technology, we are looking forward to expanding into smart clothing in healthcare, IoT, and VR in the future.” Wave Company will be launching its Indiegogo campaign at the end of this month, through which the company is planning to fund its ElecSuit project and further establish its footprint in the US. For more information on Wave Company and its EMS-integrated clothing technologies for VR experiences, please visit the company’s website . Source - https://www.auganix.org/south-korean-startup-wave-company-announces-electro-haptic-suit-that-combines-ems-with-vr-for-gaming-and-exercise/
- Wave Company participates in Europe's largest startup conference 'SLUSH 2022'
Wave Company (CEO Nancy Cho) announced that it will participate in “SLUSH 2022”, the largest startup event in Northern Europe, to be held in Helsinki, Finland from Thursday 17th November to Friday 18th November. It plans to focus on preparing for events such as IR pitching, and an investment attraction briefing. By developing high-performance bio-silicone materials, Wave Company develops sportswear and smartwear that provide a pleasant exercise life without worrying about pain or injury. With its compression wear brand ‘WaveWear’, Wave Company converts disposable sports tapes into reusable adhesive silicone (BWAS) and combines them with clothing and protectors. The exclusive patent material technology “BWAS” is in the form of silicone, but it maintains adhesion even after washing and flexibly adheres to the skin even if you sweat, officials explained. In addition to providing three times stronger and more flexible support on the joints with a smart compression system, it also takes an auto-fit sports taping method that is naturally applied to the location where taping is needed when worn. So, anyone can benefit from sports taping. In state-approved clinical trials, muscle fatigue was relieved 35% more than with other compression wear, allowing exercise for longer without getting tired. “ElecSil”, a flexible conductive bio-silicone with some adhesion and elasticity, will be introduced in “SLUSH 2022” for medical applications. “The electrocardiogram of the mouse’s small heart is sophisticated enough to measure and has excellent durability, such as maintaining skin adhesion after washing,” explained CEO Jonahyeon. Additionally, she stated, “ElecSuit, a wearable smartwear applied with ElecSil, is an electrical haptic, which not only integrates well with the fabric, but it is also soft and very thin, so it feels comfortable to wear even though it is a functional garment.” Further, the low resistance value makes it ideal for raw data collection and transmission, and it comes at a more competitive price. It also provides a more immersive gaming experience and will be commercialized in medical fields such as physical therapy by using it for electrocardiogram and electromyography in the future. In addition, you can check out VR haptic suits that combine VR with Electrical Muscle Stimulation(EMS) suits on Indigogo, a global crowdfunding site. As a result of Jeonbuk Techno Park XR Development Support Center’s support, the VR haptic suit combines technologies that reproduce different senses, such as touch, into sports. This is so that wearers can experience both fun and exercise. We plan to expand not only sports but also industrial areas such as haptic, education, medical, industry, and gaming in the future. According to an official at Wave Company. “We look forward to various technology exchanges and investment opportunities at Slush.” Published on: https://news.koreadaily.com/2022/11/17/economy/business/20221117183442399.html https://www.mk.co.kr/news/business/10535567
- With a VR haptic suit, Wave Company creates an immersive gaming experience…
As VR technology evolves, the need for more realistic and immersive content grows. Wave Company , a South Korean startup, has developed a VR haptic suit to make VR more vivid. With its compression wear brand ‘WaveWear’, Wave Company Ltd. is a sports tech startup that produces and sells innovative sportswear and smartwear through the development of cutting-edge bio-silicone materials to provide an active lifestyle without worrying about pain and injury. Wave Company has developed EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) training wear called ElecSuit based on its own conductive silicone (ElecSil) and is producing exercise VR content using product characteristics. Currently, Indiegogo, a global crowdfunding site, is funding a ‘VR haptic’ suit that combines VR with an ‘EMS’ suit. The VR haptic suit, ElecSuit, is made as a two-channel device that connects with four electrodes generating electrical stimulation. (사진) Compared to the previous version of the one-channel device connecting with two electrodes, the two-channel device makes it possible to provide more diverse haptic feedback regions with fewer devices than before. “Using ElecSuit, users can access VR content, resulting in a more realistic VR environment,” an official from Wave Company said. When a user grabs an object by hand in a VR environment, electrical stimulation occurs at the electrode of the arm part of the suit. This gives the impression that the object is actually held in their hands. Earlier in 2021, Wave Company submitted its VR content to the VR Sports Room Content Contest organized by the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation with the purpose of providing educational content for students. This VR content combines a screen and touch sensor with an ElecSuit. Multiples players can play at the same time without using a personal VR device, which can improve student cooperation and agility. “We are researching and developing sensory VR contents that can provide experience of different EMS waveforms using ElecSuit,” said Nancy Cho, CEO of Wave Company. “ElecSuit will be compatible with various VR devices, such as Meta Quest, which has a high market share around the world, and link them with various contents, such as games, video, manufacturing, medical, and education.” Published on: https://news.koreadaily.com/2022/11/29/economy/business/20221128235501358.html https://www.sedaily.com/NewsView/26DRIK57KL
- Meet us in Dusseldorf
REHACARE International in Dusseldorf - Germany, 13-16 September 2023 We are exhibiting at REHACARE International Where: Am Staad (Stockumer Hoefe), 40474 Dusseldorf, Germany When: 13-16 September 2023 In order to learn more about your projects, visit our team and share your requirements. We are pleased to show you the variety of options with our custom made electric inline actuator solutions. Opening hours REHACARE Wednesday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Further information about REHACARE International visit the exhibition website
- Upcoming Event: meet us at VivaTech in Paris
VIVATECH in Paris - France, 14 -17 June 2023 We are exciting to announce our participation at Europe's Biggest Startup and Tech Event organize by VivaTech. VivaTech accelerates innovation by connecting startups, tech leaders, major corporations and investors responding to our world's biggest challenges. Where : Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, 1 Place de la Porte de Versailles, F-75015 Paris France When : 14 - 17 June 2023 To discover further information about WaveCompany, come meet our team at VivaTech. To arrange a meeting, send us a message at contact-global@wavecompany.net. Opening hours VivaTech Wednesday - Saturday: 09:00AM to 06:00PM For further information about VivaTech visit the https://vivatechnology.com
- Wave Company at Viva Tech 2023, awarded 2nd place in the health tech field
Wave Company (CEO Nancy Cho), a company specializing in smart textiles, participated as a representative of Korea at "Viva Technology 2023" held in Paris, France. They announced that they took second place in the field of "My Global Village: Health Tech Solution." At this start-up event, the largest in Europe, only one company per country can participate in each field. Wave Company received great attention from people in charge of each country for its new concept in the health tech technology industry. At this event, Wave Company introduced Wavewear, a next-generation sportswear that increases mobility and prevents injuries just by wearing it. Their smart textile technology directly coats the inside of the fabric with conductive silicone in the form of very thin electrodes and wires. Smart textile technology is highly popular and useful because the silicon thinly adheres to the inside of clothes so that the wearer cannot feel the shape of silicon when when on the body, thereby making it comfortable to wear and flexible to any movement along with achieving excellent durability. Wavewear is currently on sale in 6 countries including Korea. Nancy Cho, CEO of Wave Company, said, "Starting with smart textile technology applied with conductive silicon technology, we will accelerate our entry into the global market by launching more diverse e-textile and digital healthcare products." Wave Company has been recognized for its technological prowess before by showing its scalability in the gaming and medical industries. They introduced their Smartwear ElecSuit using the new material ElecSil at ‘SLUSH 2022’, Europe’s largest startup conference in 2022. https://www.wavecompany.net/post/with-a-vr-haptic-suit-wave-company-creates-an-immersive-gaming-experience
- WaveWear is in Malaysia!
We recently had our first international display put up in a Malaysian athletics store thanks to our Malaysian distributor KP! KP and the other staff at Ysandals worked hard to set up the display in a short amount of time. They proudly celebrated the new addition on Sunday. Our CEO, Nancy Cho, met KP in 2021 at the athletics startup accelerator HYPE. KP was looking for an innovative product to sell to his customers who are running enthusiasts. KP saw WaveWear's products with their ingenious design and decided that WaveWear would be perfect to add to his list of brands to sell with. The address of the store is: Y Sandals Malaysia Sdn Bhd, No 66G, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla Z 31/Z, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Wave Company and Korea Volleyball Federation Signed Contract For Use of Official Volleyball
On the 19th of July, Korea Volleyball Federation (KOVO) who is an exclusive seller of Mikasa in Korea, signed an official professional volleyball contract with Wave Company. The 2023 Gumi Dodram Cup is to be held on the 29th of August, the FIVB International Official ball, V200W, will be used as the official ball for the Professional Volleyball Competition. Through this contract, Wave Company will be used as a supplier and will accompany KOVO for a total of 3 seasons, from 2023-2024 to 2025-2026. In addition, for the continuous development of professional volleyball various marketing activities will be carried out. Including the supply of sports and game supplies and participating in booth events. "We will carry out various V-League related promotions to revitalize volleyball competitions and increase support from volleyball fans, as well as serving strong assistance for players to achieve good results in their best condition," said Jo Na-Yeon, CEO of Wave Company.
- Wave Company Joins Hands with Um Hong Gil Human Foundation to Support Schools in Nepal
From left: Um Hong-gil, Leader of the Um Hong Gil Human Foundation, and Cho Ki-nam, Director of Wave Company Wave Company, a sports technology startup, announced on November 22 that it had signed an agreement with the Um Hong Gil Human Foundation on November 2 to support educational and sports development in Nepal. Through this agreement, Wave Company plans to support the Um Hong Gil Human School in Nepal by providing volleyball equipment, allowing Nepalese students to engage in a wider range of sports activities. Wave, which is the exclusive distributor in South Korea for Mikasa volleyballs (used in the V-League and certified by the FIVB, the International Volleyball Federation), also develops and manufactures "WaveWear", a functional balance wear incorporating taping technology used by rehabilitation medicine and sports doctors. Nancy Cho, CEO of Wave Company, expressed hopes that the sports equipment support agreement would help students become healthier and learn teamwork through physical activities. Meanwhile, the Um Hong Gil Human Foundation, established in 2008 by Um Hong Gil, a mountaineer who was the first to climb all 16 peaks of the Himalayas over 8,000 meters, and his supporters, conducts educational and medical support projects in developing countries like Nepal. The foundation also supports educational projects for youths domestically and internationally, as well as support projects for underprivileged groups. Since 2009, the foundation has been building schools named 'Human Schools' in remote villages of Nepal, the gateway to Everest, with a total of 17 schools completed so far.
- WaveWear Releases New 'Fleece-Lined Leggings' Specially Designed for Winter Exercise
Wave Company announced that it will introduce fleece-lined leggings with enhanced thermal features this winter, specially designed for those passionate about staying active in the cold season. WaveWear stated, "In response to the increasingly cold weather, we are pleased to release the upgraded version of our popular and steady-selling L20 Signature Leggings, the 'Winter Edition- Fleece Knee & Calf Recovery Tape Compression Leggings.'" The new product from WaveWear is created under the concept of 'leggings perfect for exercise while retaining warmth.' It combines thick, stretchable fleece fabric with WaveWear's unique taping technology and BWAS (Bio Waved Adhesive Silicone). This technology supports the user's joints and muscles naturally while ensuring that the leggings do not compromise mobility, even in the cold winter. The 'Fleece Knee & Calf Recovery Tape Compression Leggings' keep the wearer warm in the cold winter, providing a comfortable fit and enabling high performance in any physical activity. To celebrate the launch of this product, WaveWear announced that for a limited time, these leggings are available for pre-order at discounted prices on the WaveWear website. Nancy Cho, the representative of WaveWear, commented, "The 'Fleece Knee & Calf Recovery Tape Compression Leggings' will provide our customers with optimal warmth and comfort during their winter workouts. We plan to continue analyzing our customers' needs thoroughly and consistently introduce various innovative products." She added, "We hope that with these 'Fleece Knee & Calf Recovery Tape Compression Leggings,' all our customers can enjoy a warmer and more active winter."
- How Wave Company addressed concerns related to smart apparel comfort and durability during R&D
The core products include ElecSuit that can administer electrical stimulations and haptic feedback and WaveWear that combines compression and kinesiology. “Our Startups series looks at companies and founders who are innovating in the fields of athlete performance, fan engagement, team/league operations and other high-impact areas in sports.” World’s shortest elevator pitch: “Wave Company is a smart apparel company driving the future of tech-enabled recovery and movement.” Company: Wave Company Location: Seoul, South Korea Year founded: 2015 Website/App: https://www.wavecompany.net/; https://wavewear.cc/ Funding round to date: “Series A.” Who are your investors? “We have received grants from the South Korean government and have a U.S. sports VC - Stadia Ventures - as an investor.” Are you looking for more investment? “Yes.” Tell us about yourself, CEO Nancy Cho “After earning my degree in 2010, I began a business importing and distributing sporting goods in South Korea. My enthusiasm for Liverpool FC and the English Premier League led to a fascination with the taping used on futbol athletes, ultimately transforming my passion into a profession. During that period, the South Korean market was untapped in terms of kinesiology and sports tape, prompting us to concentrate on producing comprehensive, Korean-translated brochures and guidelines to bridge the knowledge gap for local consumers. As time went on, my personal use of kinesiology tape to alleviate back pain sparked an idea: What if the functionality of this tape could be integrated into clothing? This question marked the beginning of an extensive R&D phase for WaveWear in the following years. We plunged into the innovation and creation of our first silicone-based textile, leading to our WaveWear product release in 2018.” Who are your co-founders/partners? “Sangchul Lee is co-founder and CTO. With his major in business, he played a crucial role in the foundational stages of our company, starting with the import and distribution of sporting goods. He leads all research and development endeavors at Wave Company, driving innovation and growth within our company.” How does your product work? “At the core of our service is the research and development of advanced silicone textile technologies, which we leverage to engineer sportswear and smart apparel designed to optimize human movement. WaveWear is our specialized sportswear line that combines compression with integrated kinesiology taping, utilizing our proprietary BWAS (Bio-Waved Adhesive Silicone) textile. This innovation allows users to experience muscle fatigue relief and improved stability and performance during their physical endeavors. The WaveWear range includes everything from leg and arm sleeves to supportive leggings and upper wear, all incorporating our unique compression technology. ElecSuit employs our conductive and stretchable ElecSil (Electronic Silicone) textile, standing out as smart wear that can administer electrical stimulations and haptic feedback, while also gathering accurate biometric data. Its applications are diverse, spanning the fitness, healthcare and wellness industries, and when combined with VR it unlocks multi-faceted experiences for education, training and gaming. Our latest innovation, TracMe, revolutionizes smart fitness with knee and elbow sleeves that feature TracSil (Tracking Silicone) motion-tracking sensors. These sensors meticulously capture detailed exercise data, integrating effortlessly with the TracMe App to enhance workout effectiveness and precision. Together, these products form a comprehensive ecosystem, utilizing cutting-edge technology to enhance and support active lifestyles in various domains.” What problem is your company solving? “At Wave, we’re committed to revolutionizing personal wellness and performance technology by tackling three common hurdles in active lifestyles: the challenge of finding effective clothing that provides support and injury prevention during exercise, the scarcity of quality and affordably priced biometric apparel and the absence of easily accessible fitness analytics. Our solutions are threefold: WaveWear addresses the first challenge. As an enthusiast facing similar issues, I innovated apparel integrating reusable adhesive silicone taping, offering users the dual benefits of compression and built-in kinesiology taping. This eliminates waste and the struggle of self-application, ensuring protection, comfort and sustainability. ElecSuit is our answer to the second (problem). We’ve developed smart apparel compatible with existing biometric devices, capable of transmitting diverse data like ECG, EMG and EEG, while also providing electro tactile feedback. This high-quality, cost-competitive technology lays the groundwork for the future of smart wear. Finally, with TracMe, users gain access to personalized workouts and in-depth analysis, removing the guesswork from today’s complex fitness landscape. This user-friendly and efficient TracMe system simplifies the fitness journey by delivering customized workouts and invaluable insights, guiding users effectively toward their health and wellness goals. Together, these innovations form a cohesive ecosystem, addressing distinct yet interconnected challenges faced by individuals dedicated to health, wellness and peak performance.” What does your product cost and who is your target customer? “WaveWear prices vary by product. The Compression Taping Knee Sleeve K2 is priced at approximately $36, while the Compression Leggings with Knee & Calf Taping L20 are available for around $110. For ElecSuit, the cost of the top and bottom set ranges from $400-$800, depending on specifications. Collaboration pricing is flexible and negotiable. The TracMe Sleeves and AI analysis are priced between $90- $150, with options for both Pro and Lite versions. The TracMe app is available for free download. Our target customers range from fitness enthusiasts to individuals experiencing bodily discomfort, those on the path to recovery or beginners in physical exercise. Essentially, we cater to anyone seeking enhanced movement. While WaveWear and TracMe are geared toward direct-to-consumer markets, ElecSuit is designed for business-to-business partnerships, spanning diverse sectors including fitness, healthcare, wellness and even extending into education, training and gaming.” How are you marketing your product? “Our marketing strategy is multi-faceted and dynamic, reinvesting our import business profits into R&D and WaveWear. We actively engage our target market by participating in local and national marathons and triathlons, showcasing the practical benefits of WaveWear. Collaboration is also key. We partner with athletes, our friends from diverse sports like baseball, football, climbing, skating and BMX, to use and share their positive experiences with our products, highlighting the support they receive during training and competitions. Furthermore, we’re expanding our global footprint by featuring our innovations at international exhibitions and events such as ISPO, REHACARE, FIBO and Viva Tech, aiming to broaden our distributor network and forge new business partnerships.” How do you scale, and what is your targeted level of growth? “At Wave, our scaling strategy is rooted in strategic partnerships, technological integration and market expansion, with a vision to extend our global footprint. For WaveWear; we’re currently anchored in South Korea, with direct-to-consumer channels in the U.S. and distribution in Malaysia. Our scaling strategy hinges on global expansion through forging relationships with distributors worldwide who share our confidence in the product’s potential. With ElecSuit, our focus is on diversification and expanding its applications. We are actively seeking partnerships with organizations capable of integrating ElecSuit’s technology into a wide range of sectors and use cases, including education, training, military applications, gaming, fitness and particularly the medical field. For TracMe, our immediate goal is a successful launch of the app and sleeve in the Korean market, followed by a global rollout. We’re initiating our journey with home-training exercises, with plans to scale by extending our offerings to equipment-based exercises. Our collective aim is not just product-specific growth but an integrated expansion where each product complements the others, contributing to a holistic ecosystem dedicated to health, wellness, and performance enhancement.” Who are your competitors, and what makes you different? “What truly sets us apart from the competition is Wave’s proprietary stretchable silicone textile technology. This innovation ensures exceptional integration with clothing, optimizing comfort during physical activity. For WaveWear, while most athletic brands concentrate solely on compression, we’ve pioneered a unique approach by merging this feature with kinesiology taping. This combination isn’t just novel – its effectiveness is backed by rigorous testing from accredited laboratories and affirmed by customer feedback. Furthermore, the textile technologies underpinning ElecSuit and TracMe are grounded in WaveWear’s BWAS, solving several challenges that competitors face in the smart wear arena. We’ve successfully addressed concerns related to garment comfort, durability, washability, and manufacturing costs, giving us a significant edge in the market.” What’s the unfair advantage that separates your company? “Our competitive edge lies in our unique technology – a distinctive branch of material technology seamlessly compatible with textiles, which is our stretchable silicone. Years of dedicated research and development have allowed us to continually enhance its qualities, including the restoration of stickiness after washing. Our safeguarding extends beyond patents – we also meticulously control the formulation of materials. In addition to our pioneering technology, our exceptional team is unwavering in its commitment to growth and innovation.” What milestone have you recently hit or will soon hit? “We’ve not only scaled out by broadening the WaveWear product line – extending from sleeves to full garments and even sport-specific gear like cycling bib shorts — but we’ve also scaled up. Our unique stretchable silicone textile technology has evolved, paving the way for an expansion into the smart wear sector.” What are the values that are core to your brand? “At the heart of our brand lie core values deeply rooted in enhancing our customers’ quality of life and promoting health. We commit to innovation that supports a spectrum of needs, from daily comfort for the average individual to advanced support for fitness enthusiasts. Our dedication extends beyond mere comfort, aspiring to revolutionize well-being and active living through our diverse product range. Whether it’s facilitating recovery, encouraging new entrants to exercise or aiding high-performance activities, we’re here for every step of the journey.” What does success ultimately look like for your company? “For us, success is being recognized as a practical innovator that enhances the lives of individuals across the activity spectrum, from the everyday person to the fitness enthusiast. We strive to be a constant source of support, providing comfort and alleviating pain, whether during daily routines, intense physical activities or recovery periods. Our goal is for our products to become essential, trusted tools that improve movement and overall well-being, standing out for their innovative contribution to active lifestyles.” What should investors or customers know about you — the person, your life experiences — that shows they can believe in you? “Investors and customers should know my dedication to expanding and elevating Wave stems from a deep, personal commitment to growth and improvement. I welcome constructive criticism and am always eager to learn from diverse perspectives, understanding that every piece of feedback is an opportunity for enhancement. My approach is proactive. When I encounter innovative tools or ideas that have the potential to refine our operations, I don’t hesitate to introduce them to our team and initiate change. My life’s journey has instilled in me a resilience and adaptability that I bring to my leadership role at Wave, ensuring we’re always evolving and striving for excellence.” Are there certain demographics that Wave Company and its products appeal to the most? “While our product demographics vary somewhat across our product lines, a common thread unites them. Our primary appeal is to individuals aged 25 and above, encompassing both sports enthusiasts and those intrigued by innovative technology.” View source version on Sports Business Journal : https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Articles/2023/11/16/wave-company.aspx?publicationSource=