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  • Smart Textile | Wave Company

    Smart Textile Tech Advancing human movement by providing solutions through Wave's Smart Textile research and development. Smart Textile Applications EMS (Electric Muscle Stimulation) LEARN MORE Electrotactile Haptics LEARN MORE Biometric Data Collection (ECG, EMG) LEARN MORE Movement Tracking LEARN MORE Adhesive Stretchable Silicone LEARN MORE Smart Tech Components ElecSil™ (Electronic Silicone) Conductive Stretchable Silicone Textile Providing solutions for EMS, haptics, and data monitoring, ElecSil™ works by being applied to fabric on the inner side of apparel, and placed directly on the skin. LEARN MORE TracS il (Track i ng Silicone ) Movement Stretchable Silicone Textile TracSil provides solutions for motion sensing by measuring muscle strain and movement angles. Working by being applied to fabric, specifically on the outer side of apparel. LEARN MORE TracM e (Electro nic Silicone) Movement Tracking Smart Fitness Solution With sleeves and app, TracMe collects accurate exercise data directly from the limbs and provides personalized workout programs and data-driven analysis. LEARN MORE DISCOVER NEW POSSIBILITIES GET IN TOUCH

  • kor | Wave Company

    OUR PRODUCT 웨이브컴퍼니는 첨단 실리콘 섬유 기술을 연구 · 개발하며, 이를 활용하여 움직임을 최적화하기 위해 설계된 스포츠웨어 및 스마트의류를 개발하고 있습니다. 퍼포먼스 향상 및 부상방지를 위해 제작된 키네시올로지 테이핑 컴프레션 웨어입니다. 자체 개발한 점착실리콘(BWAS™)이 착용 후 운동 시 근육 피로도를 최대 35% 완화시켜줍니다. 더 알아보기 Elecsuit는 전기자극과 감각적인 피드백을 통해 생체 데이터를 축적하는 스마트웨어입니다. Elecsuit는 의복의 편안함, 세탁 가능성, 제작비용과 같은 스마트의류의 문제를 해결하였습니다. 더 알아보기 TracMe는 보호대와 앱을 활용한 동작 인식 스마트 피트니스 솔루션입니다. 운동 데이터를 자동으로 축적하고 분석하여 사용자에게 알맞은 운동 프로그램을 제안합니다. 더 알아보기 OUR DISTRIBUTION 웨이브컴퍼니는 각 분야의 최고의 브랜드만을 취급하여 유통하고 있습니다. 각종 대회 공인구로 선정된 전세계 No.1 배구 브랜드 더 알아보기 한국배구의 역사와 함께한 프리미엄 배구 보호대 더 알아보기 내구성과 편의성 모두 우수한 스웨덴 쉐이커보틀 더 알아보기

  • Under the Sun | Wave Company

    Under the Sun Client: Kasta Travel Year: 2023 This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. To manage all your collections, click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Previous Next

  • Espinas Mezcal Ad | Wave Company

    Espinas Mezcal Ad Client: Espinas Year: 2023 This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. To manage all your collections, click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Previous Next

  • Smart Wearables Tech | Wave Company

    Smartwear Tech We are revolutionizing movement technologies and creating solutions to better human movement. Smart Tech Components ElecSil (Elec tronic Silicone) Conductive Stretchable Silicone Textile Providing solutions for EMS, haptics, and data monitoring, ElecSil works by being applied to fabric on the inner side of apparel, and placed directly on the skin. LEARN MORE TracS il (Track i ng Silicone ) Movement Stretchable Silicone Textile TracSil provides solutions for motion sensing by measuring muscle strain and movement angles. Working by being applied to fabric, specifically on the outer side of apparel. LEARN MORE TracM e (Electro nic Silicone) Movement Tracking Smart Fitness Solution With sleeves and app, TracMe collects accurate exercise data directly from the limbs and provides personalized workout programs and data-driven analysis. LEARN MORE Sportswear Wellbeing Medical Workwear Sportswear Support athletes to become stronger and achieve peak performance by monitoring signals that provide a deeper understanding of their body or stimulating muscles to enhance the results of physical activity. Applications ECG (Electrocardiogram) EMG (Electromyography) RIP (Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography) AMS (Athlete Management Systems) Movement tracking Workwear ElecSil can improve the safety, coordination, efficiency, and survival of civilians working in rescue, electrical industries and the military. Applications ECG (Electrocardiogram) EDA (Electro Dermal Activity) Movement tracking And others Medical Wear Provide information by breaking down your health data, allowing doctors to monitor you remotely, address critical illnesses on time, and optimize a quicker recovery rate. Applications ECG (Electrocardiogram) EMG (Electromyography) RIP (Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography) AMS (Athlete Management Systems) Movement tracking Wellbeing Applications ECG (Electrocardiogram) EMG (Electromyography) RIP (Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography) Movement tracking Monitor the activity of key organs such as respiration, brain activity, and temperature, and give customized feedback about a person’s mental stress and overall become physically and mentally healthier. Also relieve pain through electro muscle stimulation. DISCOVER NEW POSSIBILITIES GET IN TOUCH

  • Landscape Magazine Photoshoot | Wave Company

    Landscape Magazine Photoshoot Client: Landscape Magazine Year: 2023 This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. To manage all your collections, click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Previous Next

  • Summer Secrets | Wave Company

    Summer Secrets Client: Breech Year: 2023 This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. To manage all your collections, click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Previous Next

  • Landing Page | Wave Company

    One App, Many Uses Use this paragraph to showcase your app’s key features and how it will enhance the user’s experience with your brand. Just click “Edit Text” or double click here to add your own content. Join over a million happy users! Simple Plans This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text. Personalized Content This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text. Community Support This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text. Download the app now! You can easily add your own content to this paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click here to make it your own. Get Updates Get the latest app version, news & updates. Subscribe to our newsletter. Subscribe Thanks for submitting!

  • Wild Spirit | Wave Company

    Wild Spirit Client: Matthew Wagner Year: 2023 This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. To manage all your collections, click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Previous Next

  • ElecSuit - Smartwear | Wave Company

    ElecSuit is a smartsuit solving challenging issues such as garment comfortability, washability, and manufactuing costs using Wave's smart textile technology ElecSil™. What Makes ElecSuit Different? ElecSuit is Wave Company's Smartwear with ElecSil is ultra-thin and moves along with the fabric and skin with its elasticity and flexibility. As ElecSil is a dry electrode, it is washable, reusable, and durable, as it does not tear nor rip off as it is interlocked with the fabric. Applications EMS Sports Medical/Wellbeing Sweat Resistance Easily Washable Reusable Electrodes Up to 3 systems in 1 suit EMS Electric Muscle Stimulation ElecSuit uses EMS which enhances physical training by delivering electrical impulses to muscles, simulating an intensified workout. When combined with exercise routines, ElecSuit can aid to increase muscle engagement, improve strength, and accelerate fitness results. Haptic Feedback ElecSuit leverages advanced electrotactile haptic technology integrated with XR/VR environments to create authentic, lifelike sensations, providing immediate feedback that significantly enriches user engagement and enhances immersion in virtual reality scenarios. Biometric Data ElecSuit captures and transmits precise biometric data such as ECG and EMG, providing highly accurate and reliable biometric activity measurements. Its precision is exemplified by its ability to accurately monitor the subtle cardio activities of small animals like mice. How it works Conductive Stretchable Silicone Textile for EMS, Electrotactile Haptics, Bio Data Monitoring ECG, EMG Learn More ElecSuit Versions ElecSuit-W EMS | Haptics Applications VR Haptics EMS Weights EMS Cardio ElecSuit-X EMS | Haptics | Biometric Data ECG, EMG Applications VR Haptics EMS Weights EMS Cardio

  • Welcome to WaveWear | Wave Company

    Our Social Media WaveWear Website Meet compression + kinesiology tape sportswear, WaveWear. Discover More WaveWear FAQ If you have any questions, check our FAQ. Read More 웨이브웨어 자사몰 스포츠테이핑 + 컴프레션 웨어 테이핑 퍼포먼스 웨어를 만나다. 바로가기 카카오톡 문의하기 문의사항이 있으신가요? 신속하고 빠르게 답변 드립니다. 문의하기

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